*Before moving on to the tutorial I suggest downloading Iterm2, this gives you more oppurtunity to customise your prompt and also I did not find a way to make the regular terminal that comes with mac to look exactly like Ubuntu.  *

If you are a developer you know that many of you day to day actions require using terminal. For example using version control system is best done through terminal, even though there are pretty promising GUI programs out there, they don’t replace the good old terminal. So knowing your way around terminal is essential when you want to be pragmatic developer. So spending much time with Ubuntu operating system in one of my university classes, I really started to like the default Ubuntu terminal. I use Mac, and it uses the same shell  as Ubuntu - bash ( Born again shell) so I went ahead and configured my terminal to look the same as default Ubuntu terminal. Following the steps given in this article will hopefully get you the same result.

**Prerequisites:  **

  • You should know your way around terminal.
  • You know how to edit files using text editor like nano or vim.

All the bash related files are saved in a file called *.bashrc *or  in .*bash_profile. *The dot before the files indicates that the file is hidden. Both files can be found be in your home directory, which you go to by typing:


Next type

ls -alt

This shows you all the files in your home directory. We are mainly intrested in bash_profile. If you already have the bash profile file, make sure to make a backup of the current file in case something goes wrong.

cp .bash_profile .bash_profile_backUp

You should now have a file .bash_profile_backUp in your home directory. This ensures that if anything goes wrong during the tutorial, you can still go back to your previous setup.

32162F –> This is color code for background

Next up open terminal by pressing cmd+; or open prefrences, go to profiles and in the bottom left you have a + sign where you can click and make a new profile.'

Next chooce background.

Chooce the secont tab and paste in the hex code **32162F **or alternatively use RGB values (48, 10, 36) You should now have a similar looking terminal window. Next up we want to color the command prompt which is currenty white and maybe change the font.  I will be using the Ubuntu font which you can download here.

The thing we want to change is called PS which stands for process status.

export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced
export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
export LSCOLORS=ExGxBxDxCxEgEdxbxgxcxd

By adding those line to either .bash_profile or .bashrc file you should have something like that.

I prefer the look one below. When you are using the built in terminal that comes with the mac, the colors for folderds are purple instead of blue. My fix for that is using the Iterm2 instead. All the same principles apply, but you will have more possibilities to configure the terminal.